
Psycho talk

gaZpar - "Porto wine is expensive..."
L - "Come on u r a psy [psychologist], u get lots of money from psychos."
gaZpar - "I wish that I received some money for all the psychos I met during my life. I would be rich!!!"

Para mais psycho coisas, ver o vídeo da música "Yeah (crass version)" e "Daft punk is playing at my house" dos LCD Soundsystem no SBSR07 aqui.
(necessário Realplayer)

6 comentários:

onmywaytoheaven disse...

ok u r a psy...you could get rich..but..you need other psy´s...to get rid of the whole psychs (psychoS)u hear from lol

gaZpar disse...

good point. ;-) lol
Podia criar uma associação "psy's against psychos" (PAP), "psychos management agency" (PMA) ou "let us get rid of all the psychos out there" (LUGRAPOT).

gaZpar disse...

Aceitam-se mais propostas de "associações" ;-)

The White Scratcher disse...

International union of psychos psys youth(IUPPY !!)

Também vou começar a cobrar,,,,,
vou viver de rendimentos,,,ahahahah

Graven disse...

Da série "Patrick Bateman, sai desse corpo":

1) You're a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood.

2) Do you like Phil Collins?

3) Em cada psycho-freak, um amigo.

gaZpar disse...

The White Scratcher: esse "yuppy" parece-me bem! Posso ser sócio?

graven: errr thank you my psycho-friend. lol